We distribute original Cisco Excess / Cisco Wholesale channel equipment.

What is Cisco Excess?
While most Cisco products are sold new through traditional Authorised Channels, occasionally, Cisco ends up with excess product inventory that still has a useful life, but with limited demand from traditional Authorised Channels. This is why Cisco have created an Excess Product channel (previously known as Wholesale) to sell at significant discounts. This stock consists of products from over-production, canceled corporate orders, warehouse rotations, expired leasing contracts and demo models. This hardware is classified as surplus to Cisco’s distribution channel and meant for resale to a selected group of companies.
Key information about Cisco Wholesale hardware:
All products sourced from Cisco WholeSale channel are designated with a “-WS” at the end of the part number.
All products are eligible for Smart Net Total Care (SNTC) support and have a valid version of the IOS loaded and relicensed by Cisco.
All products are fully functional and may include minor cosmetic imperfections.
All products supplied in original Cisco packaging however box is usually labeled ”Cisco Excess” to distinguish from traditional condition.
Wholesale products are not part of Cisco Refresh “-RF” program, which is a separate channel and also available on request from Sparta Distribution.

Cisco Small Business

IP Phones

Cisco wireless

Firewall securities

Cisco Networking

Cisco Nexus

Contact Us
Vana-Lõuna 19, 10134, Tallinn, Estonia

Tingopol OÜ
Reg: 11417772
VAT: EE101170541
Tornimae 2, 15010, Tallinn
EUR: EE141010220277916221
USD: EE971010220277918025